Make-believe is more than a child's game!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I want to enjoy my life.

"Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain." -Dave Matthews Band

I knew the Dave Matthews Band were wonderful musicians. I didn't know they were also so intelligent!

In a few weeks, I will turn 30 years old. Wow! It feels like just yesterday that I was old enough to legally take a sip of alcohol. Where does the time go?

I want to enjoy my life. Everything seems to be going by so fast...Every morning, I get up and get my son ready for school and off to the bus. Then, I get ready for work myself. I get online and write my blog, answer emails and do a little promoting.

When I look at the clock, hours have flown by. I get into writing mode and take care of whatever I need to for the newspaper I write for. Then, I get to work on my current novel or work on editing and rewrites, whichever is on the agenda.

When I next glance at the clock, it's time to get my son and my neighbor's kids off the bus. I realize I forgot lunch so I stuff something in my mouth as I head out the door to get the kids. This part of the day consists of checking folders and homework, making sure everything gets done from school.

My husband comes home. The neighbor's kids go home. Oh my gosh, it's already time to cook dinner. Hmmmm...what am I going to cook? Leftover chicken looks good. As I heat up the food, I multitask and pack my son's lunch for the next day.

I hurriedly clean up from our meal and head out the door for an interview or a school board meeting, or whatever community project I need to cover for the paper. Then, holy cow, it's time to get home and get my son to bed.

A mad dash home gets me through the door just in time to tuck my son in after his bath, read him a story and sing him to sleep. I get my pajamas on and settle down to read a book or watch some television to relax.

Then, no's not possible that's it's bedtime! But, it is. Just before I shut my eyes, I realize I haven't spent much quality time with my husband so I whisper that I love him just before exhaustion claims me and I fall into a deep sleep.

In a blink, the day is gone. Again, I have to ask - where does the time go? In another blink, a week is gone. I really love my life and I want to enjoy it!

Could someone please slow life down for me?

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