Novelist Destiny Rae Booze
March 2009 Newsletter
Make-believe is more than a child’s game!
Altered Beginnings will be released May 15, 2009!
Be sure to keep checking my daily blog—The Smiling Pains of Novelist Destiny Booze for updates, or to read a post about life, faith or writing. I’m just sure that I can change the world through one smile at a time. Here’s a sample of one post from this week.
What a shame that we live with shame.
Have you ever noticed how much shame that we live with?
The privileged feel ashamed that they have too much, the poor feel ashamed that they haven't enough, the middle class feel ashamed about all the stress they go through to get what they have. Workaholics feel shame that they are never home, stay-at-home moms feel shame that they never go anywhere, though it is no doubt a fact that both of those classes of people work very hard. People with no children feel ashamed, those with too many children feel ashamed, those with one child worry about spoiling their kid. Is there ever a situation where we don't have to feel ashamed?
I recently got laid off from the paper I worked for, and I felt ashamed. I immediately started looking for more work, but today I've decided to stop. I have a full-time job writing books. It is a real job. I work very hard at it. It doesn't pay much yet, but it eventually will. Until then, I refuse to waste one more minute of one more day apologizing for having a job that I love. I won't be ashamed to call myself an author. That's what I am.
In my opinion, the first step we need to all take is to stop comparing ourselves to others. We cannot possibly judge our own success against others because our lives are different. We're supposed to be running our own race here. We can't compare journeys that went in opposite directions. It's beyond our grasp. Only our higher power can know if we are at the point we are supposed to be by now. The second step is to accept ourselves for who we are.
Let's give ourselves a break. If we're not happy with ourselves or our lives, we don't have to be in a constant state of shame. Let's accept where we are and make plans for the future.
What’s New for April?
• There will be two additions to the creative corner for April from two talented people. One is a special poem by Jenny Williams. The other is a gorgeous picture from the portfolio of Corrie Campellone!
• I have the pleasure of interviewing published Novelist J.A. Hunsinger - a man with a very interesting story to tell about his adventure from a career in aviation to the publishing industry. Drop by Wednesday, April 22nd to read his story.
• Also, my very first interview is coming! It will be done by Tamela Quijas at her website http://www.tamelaquijas.wordpress.com. How awesome is that? It will be posted on April 9th and 10th.
• Be on the lookout for some early reviews of my debut novel, Altered Beginnings. (I'll be waiting with my fingers crossed...holding my breath...to see how readers respond to this book. I'm so excited to finally get to put it out there and share it! I sincerely hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it.)
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