This contest will be ongoing for the month of May only, so there are only 8 days left! Don’t forget to ask Robyn for the complete list of participating blogs in the May Character Interview Blog Bash for even more fun interviews and opportunities to win fantastic books!
Leigh Lawson (Of both African American and Caucasian heritage, she is attractive and pretty. She has a dark complexion, long black hair and dark eyes.) – Once a troubled girl with a drug addiction, she returns home a grown woman with her life back on track. Her life gets turned back up side down when the police recruit her to work undercover to bring known mobster and drug seller Freddie Garrett to conviction.
Jason Altarez (A gorgeous guy with light brown or dirty blond hair longer than his shoulders, blue eyes, and a large smile.) – He is a popular reporter in Nags Head. As soon as Leigh gets into town, he approaches her. He’s obviously chasing her, but is he really interested in her or just her story?
Emma Combs (With a fantastic figure, auburn hair and plenty of time invested into her fashion, she is absolutely beautiful.) – She thinks of herself as a perfectionist. She and Leigh were best friends in high school. It is uncertain whether they will be able to rekindle that relationship.
Shawn Branscom (He is very sexy with short and neat brown hair, blue eyes and a great shape.) – Known to let his temper flare at the drop of a hat, he is a cop with a new promotion to the narcotics team. He’s a little gruff, but he has a definite soft spot for Emma that he is unable to hide.
1. Let’s begin by having everyone tell us a little about him or herself.
Jason grinned and leaned forward in his chair. “Shall I go first? This is a little weird. I’m usually the one asking the questions.” He looked thoughtful as he ran a hand through his light brown hair, the front falling right back where it began. “Well, I’m a reporter. I work hard. At work, they call me Ice because I refuse to give up on a story, which happens to be my biggest strength, but probably my biggest weakness as well. In my free time, I spend time with my family. I like playing basketball, swimming and sailing.”
Leigh stood to pace behind her chair as she answered. “My life is really complicated. I’m not sure how much you want to know. I was raised by the Branscom family. My teenage years were pretty bad, and they eventually kicked me out of the house. I decided to leave town…”
“…without telling anyone. Everyone thought she was dead,” Emma added.
“When I got back into town, I wasn’t exactly well received. So, that’s pretty much it. I’m just trying to make things right, but I’ll be fine. I’m tough,” Leigh said in a soft voice.
Emma went next. “I’m the manager of my parent’s hotel. I love my job. When I’m not there, I’m usually working out. I’m very ambitious. My greatest weakness would have to be that I’m a perfectionist.”
Shawn sat with his back perfectly straight, looking gruff and uncomfortable. “I’m a cop. I don’t have much time for anything else,” he said, sounding defensive as if he dared someone to argue.
Emma turned toward Shawn. “Your strength is your confidence. Your weakness is you get arrogant and your temper, of course.”
He gave her a look that wasn’t easily defined.
2. Anyone currently dating?
“No,” Jason said, still grinning. “The last time I had a serious relationship was in college. She was older and graduated before me. I haven’t heard from her since.”
Leigh still stood. “I’m not dating now. My ex-boyfriend was a drug dealer, my drug dealer actually.”
Emma just shook her head in answer.
Shawn did the same.
3. Do you believe in love at first sight? What are your views on sex in a relationship? Does love and sex have to come together?
Jason actually laughed. “Wow, what a question. I do believe in love at first sight. That’s kind of embarrassing. And, I would hope that any girl sleeping with me has feelings for me, so yes.”
Leigh began pacing again. “No and no.”
Emma shrugged. “I haven’t really thought about it.”
Shawn fidgeted, looking absolutely miserable. “That’s really a crazy question. I don’t know.”
4. When you lie in bed at night, what do you think about?
For the very first time, Jason momentarily paused. “I think about what I want in the future,” he said, his eyes sliding over his shoulder to Leigh.
“I try not to think,” Leigh said with a voice that was a bit uneven. She sounded shaky or perhaps on the verge of laughter.
“That’s easy,” Emma said. “I think about everything I have to get done the next day.”
Shawn smiled slowly. “I can’t say what I think about.”
5. Last question guys: what would it surprise people to know about you?
“A lot,” Jason said and laughed. “If I had to pick one thing, it would probably be my family. It’s big. I have three brothers and two sisters. There are six of us all together. We’re a very close family, and most people don’t see me as a family guy.”
Leigh sat back down. “That I’m alive.”
Everyone laughed.
When things grew quiet, Emma said, “It would surprise people to know that I’ve made many mistakes in my past that I’m not proud of.”
Shawn just shrugged. “I don’t know.”
From the author: I hope you enjoyed getting to know the characters of this book a little better. I had a ton of fun doing this interview! To learn more about ALTERED BEGINNINGS, visit